Mediterranean sampling at Pantelleria - 8-12 September

Sampling mission of WP1 in Pantelleria Isle. Stefano Goffredo, Erik Caroselli and Selena Prantoni (Department of Evolutionary and Experimental Biology, University of Bologna) sampled coral specimens and environmental parameters to be used in the various work packages. 

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Ferryboat Livorno-Palermo. The saltworks of Trapani, waiting for the Ferry to Pantelleria...and for the wind to calm down.


The sampling team: Erik Caroselli, Selena Prantoni and Stefano Goffredo.
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Pantelleria city. Views of the port.


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Black lava stone and blue sea. The sampling is about to begin.


Searching for corals.
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Selena and Stefano looking under overhangs for Leptopsammia pruvoti specimens.


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Erik prepares the new multiparametric probe for measuring environmental parameters.


The crew is ready to go. Rain surprise. "I knew that I should have stayed in the diving team". :)
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Rain was definitely heavy.


Maria Ghelia of the Centro Immersioni Pantelleria (CIP) will collect monthly samples to be used for reproduction studies of WP3.


The Centro Immersioni Pantelleria collaborates with UNBO since many years.
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Again CIP Map of the Island.


Selena and Stefano...
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...explain to Maria all the treatment for preserving the corals after sampling and before shipment to the hystology labs.


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Sample bottles.


Collected Balanophyllia europaea. Stefano.
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Stefano e Selena looking for Caryophyllia inornata.


Some underwater pics of Pantelleria.
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Small overhang.


Nightsky or cave vault? Leptopsammia pruvoti.
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Quadrat sampling of Caryophyllia inornata.


When you finish the sampling bottles, you need to find some substitute. Scorpion fish.
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Caryophyllia and Leptopsammia.


Mediterranean overhangs are beautiful...
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...and host many coral species. Astroides calycularis.


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Erik A self shot underwater.